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CEO | Chief Executive Officer

Characteristics of our Interim CEOs

CEO or Chief Executive Officer is the highest-ranking executive in a company, responsible for steering the company towards its objectives and ensuring its long-term success. The duties of the CEO range from defining an overall strategy to overseeing the day-to-day operations of the company, shaping the company's culture and representing the company towards internal and external stakeholders.

  • Strong Leadership Skills are crucial, as interim CEOs inspire confidence and trust among internal and external stakeholders. They motivate the team by providing a clear direction.

  • Excellent Communication is another key characteristic, as Interim CEOs need to effectively convey their vision and strategy to other board members, employees, and external stakeholders. They are approachable, skilled in listening in order to build and lead a cohesive team

  • Crisis Management. The majority of our Interim CEOs are brought in during times of crisis, organizational changes, or other critical situations. They have high ethical standards, operate with integrity, and effectively address challenges within the organization.

  • Experience. Interim CEOs have a wealth of experience in executive leadership and strategic management from their previous interim projects or permanent board positions. They are overqualified for the current assignment in order to master any unexpected circumstances.

  • Result orientation is a critical attribute of our Interim CEOs. They focus on achieving tangible results and goals for the organization, meeting performance targets, and creating value for the stakeholders.


Finding the best CEO for a company is a complex and challenging process. It covers a proper research phase, followed by the identification of suitable candidates, careful evaluation of their soft and hard skills, and an overall systematic approach.

  • Uncertain market dynamics

  • Diverse stakeholders interests

  • Cultural fit, behavioral profile

  • Subjectivity

  • Biased assumptions

  • Political considerations

  • Shareholders expectations

  • Hidden weaknesses

  • Complex evaluation process

  • Succession planning

  • Long-term vs short-term consideration

  • Risk aversion

  • Available budget

  • Current market situation

  • Employer branding

The Solution

Executive Interim Management is a modern managerial solution, in which an experienced senior executive or a complete team is temporarily engaged by a company to address a specific leadership challenge on a short-term basis. 

An Executive Interim Manager is a highly experienced senior executive typically engaged for a few months to provide leadership, drive change, address a specific issue, or manage complex projects. Key characteristics include experience,  seniority, immediate availability, project orientation, and operational hands-on approach.

CE Interim: Cross-cultural Executive Interim Management

We design and implement individual project-based business solutions and together with our industry experts lead companies through transformations to unlock their full potential.

Our Partners stands personally by your side from the project definition, evaluation of the interim manager, through the whole project, until completion, and hand-over, to ensure the agreed objectives are achieved and stay within your organization.

Our Executive Interim Managers have local or international backgrounds, they have studied, lived, and worked in various countries and go through rigorous evaluation processes following a methodology specifically designed for demanding cross-cultural interim missions.

Over the recent decade, we have performed hundreds of successful missions predominantly in Central and Eastern Europe, but also in Asia, the Middle East, and the USA.

The manager you are looking for

> 15 countries

the biggest network in Central and Eastern Europe

> 50,000

senior managers
in our broad network

> 90%

of mandates filled without going public

< 2 weeks

to present a short list of verified candidates

Germany | Austria | Switzerland

Poland | Czech Republic | Slovakia | Slovenia | Bulgaria | Romania | Hungary | Croatia

Serbia | Montenegro | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Macedonia | Estonia | Latvia | Lithuania

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